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''In the Beginning all was Perfection. There was but the Absolute and nothing else. Then, for some reason best known to Itself, the Divine Principle saw fit to involve Itself in Creation. It placed the involved part of Itself - Creation - in a matrix of energy, governed by strict Laws ad caused all life throughout all the Worlds to come into being. In some cases this life evolved from simple forms into complex and sophisticated creatures. As the physical evolved, so did the mental abilities of these life forms evolve, until they were able to manipulate the energy matrix, by obedience to the Laws which govern it, to such an extent that they learned to become self-conscious beings. Gradually, this self-consciousness is being evolved through experience plane after experience plane, until it will, eventually, go back to its source again, namely - The Divine Principle from which all came.
When a life form has reached a stage of self-consciousness, it is then able to choose, by applied reasoning, whether it will speed up its evolution back to its original Source and thereby take the hard path, or whether it will lengthen out this span through almost infinite time and take the long, much easier course back to the original Divine Source from which it came.
Although terrestrial man is the most involved and least sophisticated humanoid life form in this Solar System he, nevertheless, has reached the stage of self-consciousness which enables him to choose the path which he will take through his Evolution. It is a certain fact that there are many systems of progression, which have been evolved upon Earth through the centuries, which are specifically designed to speed up the path taken through experience by the self-conscious individual. All of the best Yoga systems do this.
Up until even a relatively short time ago, the systems of isolation of the individual from the masses, if strictly adhered to and the recommended exercises practiced with single-minded diligence, brought about a speeding up of evolution, because heightened sensitivity and enhanced awareness and knowledge brought about within the individual by pressures on subtle nerve ganglia exerted by these exercises. Energies, latent within the mento-physical structure of man, can be, with certain occult practices, released so as to bring about the deeper mental states such as Contemplation and Meditation. The latter state, especially, is one which does enhance the pattern and velocity of man's travel through the planes of Evolution. There are other states above this which allow the individual to break away from the necessary experience cycle, called rebirth, in this terrestrial classroom and travel to more highly evolved Planets so that the experience of the individual can be greatly enhanced, and the knowledge and awareness developed into wisdom essential to the higher aspects of man's journey back to his Divine Source.
On the other hand, mankind, having developed his self-consciousness, can choose, if he wishes, a longer path through his experience cycles by taking life easy and enjoying all the luxuries which were invented by his intelligence as it became more sophisticated.
So much freedom has mankind got in his own pattern of evolution, that he is even able to retard it and to set himself back upon the path - which many do by committing crimes, even thought they have been told may times that such deeds would hold up their progress.
We are now in the Aquarian Age. The Age of Service to the masses. No longer are the systems of isolation recommended by the true teachers. As a matter of fact - like it or not and some of us may not like it - the systems now recommended in this Age, or in this stage of the evolution of mankind as a unit, are just the opposite from isolationism. The Aquarian Age, with its emphasis on improvement of the conditions for the mass of humanity, demands the metaphysician to spend his time in Service among men rather than isolating himself from mankind as he has been recommended to do throughout the past centuries in order to enjoy personal bliss. As the Aquarian experience cycle advances, more and more emphasis will be placed upon Service in order to improve the educational systems and living conditions of the majority.
At this time....we can either indulge ourselves and thereby hold up our evolutionary journey towards our precious Source, or we can serve mankind and so speed this journey up. The man who holds up his evolution is indeed the biggest of all fools for sooner or later like a flame pointing upwards, he too must reach for the Spiritual Heavens above and begin his hard climb back. It is innate in the nature of all sentient beings to do this, for all sentient beings are involved particles of the original Perfection. They were sent on a journey through experience, outwards from the Source and it was predetermined by the Source, even before they were sent outwards, that each particle would travel ''home'' again into the Absolute Womb from which it sprung. Any straying from this is a deviation from the predetermination of the Absolute Designer in the beginning and can only be of a temporary nature. Sooner or later, no matter how involved each particle has become, it must start to evolve itself. This is one of the inevitabilities of Creation. Coupled with this fact is that specially designed energy impulses are bombarding the whole Solar System at this particular time during the Aquarian age. This makes the inner yearning of all self-conscious creatures so much more acute. So acute, in fact, that in his striving to evolve man will bring about in the next 2,000 years the greatest Spiritual renaissance ever seen on this Planet!
The journey back to the Source is inevitable. It is up to each self-conscious individual to pick the time when they start this journey in real earnest.''
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