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It was a warm, sunny, cloudless August afternoon in the most elite part of Hollywood, California. The place? The Bel Air Hotel on Sunset Boulevard. The playground of the 'smart' people and the meeting place of who's who in Society.
Amidst the palm-decked, lush gardens of this, the most elegant of resorts, strolled exquisitely groomed ladies and gentlemen who were gradually making their way into one of the beautifully-decorated reception rooms of this hotel, where there was to be a Celebrity meeting. Such an occasion was quite common at the Bel Air Hotel, where Celebrities are indeed specially catered for. The Celebrity meeting at the Bel Air Hotel, is a weekly function where everyone from film stars to literary barons come to entertain, expound pet theories and perhaps even give morsels of information regarding their private lives. Indeed the beautiful and unperturbed surroundings of The Bel Air Hotel is an ideal setting for such revelations of human mysteries.
But on this particular afternoon the Celebrity was by way of being rather an usual guest, for he had not come along to expound theories but rather - FACTS. As for giving morsels of gossip about his private life - he had no private life of which to speak. Here was a rare jewel among men - a a man on a Mission of Truth.
One by one the guests sauntered through the archways and pavilions of the charming Spanish architecture which was festooned with the most exotic of flowers, into the Celebrity room.
Finally, our Celebrity rose, greeted his audience and commenced to give them the Space People's Message. Throughout the brilliant exposition that followed, Truth after Truth was laid bare before the audience. The Facts of Re-incarnation, the Truth about the horrors of the H-bomb, the impending catastrophe of this Planet, the Law of Karma and its implications and a reminder of the Missions of such people as Krishna, Buddha and Jesus. Quite often, nods of agreement could be seen coming from the audience. This of course was to be expected. Any reaction to the contrary would have been amiss - to say the least, amidst such peaceful and eloquent surroundings.
Towards the end of the meeting, however, the charming hostess rose and as was her custom on all such occasions asked the most controversial of all questions:
''Mr Celebrity, what in your opinion is - Success?''
''To give you my opinion of what is success,'' answered the Celebrity, without hesitation, ''it will be necessary to tell you a little story.''
''There was once a very rich and po

Lord Buddha
werful King, who, with his son, lived in a great palace. As was the custom in Eastern countries, where this story take place, the King bestowed all manner of worldly goods and riches upon his son. The finest silks, the most valuable jewels, a stable of thoroughbred horses, even the most beautiful women chosen from all the lands thereabouts were given freely by the King to his son. Even so, the son took little or no interest in these worldly things. So that, the King, whose great dream it was that his son should rule the land as he had done, built for him a golden palace which was considered lavish even in those pompous days. The palace was well guarded, for the King forbade his son to travel, as was his wont, among the people. But one night, the guards fell asleep and the young man saddled his favorite horse and rode unnoticed from the palace into the night......
''For ten years he sat in Silence. Sometimes, so weakened by his sojourn, he nearly died. But in some strange way, whenever starvation threatened to pluck the Life Force from his body, he was discovered by shepherds and cared for, even though they knew not who he was.
''It was some ten years later when he returned again to the palace gates. He came back, not to the lavish wealth of a whole empire but in the rags of a beggar. For he had turned away from what the world had to offer, but had discovered the everlasting Jewel - Wisdom!
''His fame spread throughout the world. Not as a powerful King, as a great ruler, but as a wise man and today, thousands of years later, men revere this name, whenever it is mentioned.
''Who was this great Being, who had forsaken an Empire to take up a begging bowl? No less a person than The LORD BUDDHA.
''That ladies and gentlemen is my opinion of the strange intangibility of that which constitutes - SUCCESS.''
At this closing remark, an agonizing hush fell over the audience as the vast implications of this simple story sank deeply home.
Any security, built upon the foundations of material ''success'', relished by some members of that audience was shattered.
Dear readers, need I tell you that the Celebrity on this occasion was George King?
Indeed this warm drowsy August afternoon had been an 'eye opening' occasion for the Bel Air Celebrity gatherings.
This is but one of the many outstanding episodes in the varied life of the man who, way back in May, 1954, was told by the Great Cosmic Master Aetherius to: ''Prepare yourself. You are to become the Voice of Interplanetary Parliament.''
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