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Primary Terrestrial
Mental Channel
This Cosmic Transmission was delivered by the Master Aetherius, through Primary Terrestrial Mental channel in 1956, and reproduced here from a publication called, Cosmic Voice - Volume No 2.
The Master Aetherius
''What is Peace?
Peace is internal harmony. You cannot have Peace unless you are at Peace. How can you have Peace among people of Terra who are not in any way at Peace with themselves or with their neighbours? With their relations, even, they battle. You know it is a vicious circle, this.
No man, whether he be Master or student, can create any original thing. There cannot possibly be. All you can do, all we can do, all the people of even the great Planet Saturn Itself can do, is to copy - is to copy - note it, dear brothers and sisters, that which they have already done. Flying saucers, as you call them, are our idea of copies of the psychic centres. All our inventions, just the same as yours, are copies of our internal organs or of our mental visualizations. That is it - that is progress.
There is nothing outside of this, while you exist within this Solar System, anyway. A lot of you may differ with me. If you do, then that is your privilege. Whether you differ or not, dear friends, I am relating to you the findings of the Greatest Intelligences within this Solar System!
Now then, if this is so, does it not stand to sense that if there is disharmony within the physical and mental structure of terrestrial man, that disharmony must be reproduced outside his immediate physical structure? Of course, it is so. How can it be otherwise? How can you send a full volume of liquid through a half-choked pipe? You cannot do it. How can you expect terrestrial man to build machines for the sole benefit - note it - for the sole benefit of his neighbour - when he is copying those machines from a blueprint which has virtually been altered, and in this case, mutated by his own wrong thought and action? Do you see the viciousness of this circle? It is atrociously vicious. You have to use force to break this vicious circle. You have to use mental control to break this vicious circle. You have to use psychic control to break it. You have been told many times how to gain such control. All your Great Masters have told you in the past. As soon as harmony has been brought about within your physical, mental and psychic structures, then all your inventions will be for the good of your fellow men.
At this present time cancer is becoming more and more prevalent upon Terra. Do you not see what this means?
Let us examine the viciousness of this circle of involution - of this circle of bonds you have forged around yourself. Firstly, we have a group of people who make a certain discovery. Shall we take the splitting of the atom? Right. Now, at first, their motives were not wrong. They, in the beginning, found that the atom could be split and they were really interested to discover the chemical and physical properties of matter. But the, along came another group of people who were working with very different motives. They were working in the same way, but their motives became as mutated as must have been their mental, physical and psychic structures. They wanted to split the atom to release the energy from it so that the core would be thrown off at such a tremendous rate that it, in turn, would split the next atom, and so on. So they discovered a chain-reaction was possible. Then what did they do? They made a weapon of it. Now, this weapon, when experimented with, released - and is releasing today - a force into the whole atmospheric belt of Terra which, in turn, is taken into the bodies of all people upon Terra tonight - now!
You see then the viciousness of this circle. The disharmony brought about by the wrong motive of a small group of belligerent people is being reflected throughout the whole of the inhabitants of Terra. What more vicious circle could you have then this?
Your inventions, almost of all them, may first be put on the drawing board with grey motive - neither good nor bad - but the wrong motivated people soon seize upon them if they can be used for profit, for power, for the so-called security measures called 'defense'. Strange word, that, by the way - 'defense'.
Do not you see, that it is all springing, dear friends, from the disharmony within you, from the gradual breakdown of the mento-physical and the mento-psychic structure of man? First of all, that goes wrong. Then man shows its wrongness in his works. Then again those works affect other men and so it goes on. Surely you can see the great lesson to be learned by chain-reaction? Immediately you break up one atom of fissionable material, you have the energetic release affecting all the other atoms in that particular piece of mass. It is just the same, exactly the same, with Planetary inhabitants. You have just a few powerful people, using their mental capabilities in the wrong way and those virtually affecting all other Planetary inhabitants. It would be the same on almost any other Planet.
Now that we have established that these things are so, I must also tell you what you yourselves can do about it.
Go back to the small message given to you this evening by Mars. He says - and this message by the way is worthy of your Contemplations - that you take so much for granted, that you do not give the correct praise to release the correct nourishing power. That is what He means by praise - helping the Intelligences Who control the manifestations of nature round about you. You see, if you did this, you would be starting to break away from the vicious circle. You would be creating another circle, but it would not be a damming one. It would be one with a gate always open. You would be giving power to help certain of nature's Workers. They, in turn, would benefit from this power and it would enable Them to do Their work better, which, in turn yet again, would affect all life-steams upon Terra. It affects all life-streams upon our Planet Venus when we do these things, for upon Venus we have open and direct communion with our Devic Workers. Very few of you, upon Terra, have ever heard of Them and of these, some are scared stiff of Them and others say, 'Well, there you are.' Not the correct attitude. The attitude is to know that these Intelligences exist - give Them praise and thanks - not because They need your praise and thanks, but when you do give Them praise and thanks, you release power from yourselves to Them, which, in turn, helps Them to do Their work better. Don't you see, you are sacrificing some little bit of yourself for the benefit of all mankind? You are not sacrificing a little bit of yourself in order to make a bigger and better bomb. You are sacrificing a little bit of yourself in order that the Devic Manipulators may help some poor farmer in Japan or Russia. You are breaking away from the vicious circle.
When we first released information of this kind in America, it travelled quite a little and it caused many, many people a re-orientation of thought and action. That is why we are releasing this type of information in England in order to cause re-orientation in the minds of the open ones.''
Now, my time is rather limited this evening but just before I go I would like to give you another Spiritual Practice. You can all do this irrespective of your religious beliefs, whether you have religious beliefs or not, you can do this.
First of all, dear friends, please, please - even if it is for the first time in your life - accept what I have to say and proof will come. I don't say it may come, I say it will come, if you do these things. Go in to your own room and take with you an ordinary compass and find the eastern corner of that room. Now, I want you to make in that corner some little kind of altar.
It does not matter how you do it, even if it is only a small piece of wood or a little shelf, something like that, with a glass of water on it. It can be as simple as that. Now regard that as a Power focal point. After some time you will find that that particular corner has almost magnetic attraction for you.
Now whenever you are sending Power out to Devas, to your brothers in Russia or to your brothers in Communist China, or to your brothers in Africa, New Zealand, America - wherever your brothers are, go before that corner and look upwards with your eyes closed and I feel sure that after some open-minded practice, you will be inspired by your Higher Self when you have really polarized that particular place. Do you not see, it is quite simple? It is no great ritual.
Of course a Master would not need it. But then we are all learning, so that little corner, with that little altar, can be your Holy Place, your place of Power, your polarized place, your place where you can perform your own silent, spiritual practices. You will find that there will come a time - when you want to send help to another person - when you will need to go into your little corner, close your eyes, raise your mind to the higher aspects thereof, and they then will receive your Power.
I know that almost all of you will try these things because you are searching. Go on searching, dear friends. Remember only the great main leaders: 1) Truth can be found everywhere 2) There is nothing new or original Beware of those who tell you otherwise. Goodnight my dear friends.''
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