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George King
''This is Mars....Sector 6 reporting from Satellite No 3, now in orbit relationship Terra. Subject - Non-Violence.
As you know, when we transmitted to you through this Mental Channel* last time, there was much interference. Satellite No. 3 was directly attacked by spacecraft which came from many light years away from this system. Although we had vast power at our immediate command within the Satellite Itself, we chose evasive action and did have to move out of the terrestrial orbit for a short time. We are now back. This was direct interference with our plans to impregnate Terra with more Power than ever during this Magnetization Period. We did not use violence against those who knocked upon our doors with murder in their hearts and yet - victory was ours.
There will come a time shortly when the followers of Peace will have to declare themselves openly so that the world may know the colour of their standard. Know this, that it is the non-violent action which will win the day. When this time cometh, those who follow 'neath the remnants of the Peace Banner will be cast out by many. Go inside. Take the Power in with you. Then there will come a time when your standard shall be mounted upon the highest hill as the Standard of the Greatest Light, and there is not a dark force upon this or any other Planet which can alter that for one moment.
I have seen the minds of violence come and go and yet am still able to carry on. Ingenious indeed were the weapons used against us, and yet we live. We are still unconditioned by these forces.
Oh, men of Earth, who at this moment are sharpening the weapons of war upon your hardened souls, I say to you - by these self-same weapons you will pass!
Aye, and a thousand times if need be, until the faithful lesson of Peace be learned in sweet gentleness.
Again you men of science have violated the very Law of the Creator. How long, oh vandals, do you expect to be able to get away with this?
The Law is working upon the side of righteousness and is unchangeable. The Law is real. It cannot be changed, for it is above time, which exists only as a system of measurement within the limited consciousness of more basic man.
There are those who crave for a sign and yet heed it not when it is given. They explain it in their mathematical terminology and then twist the Truth. Can mathematics, which in itself is so limited, speak of Truth which is the measure - if there be a measure - of that which is not limited? How can this be? It cannot. The very mathematics which are themselves the result of limited reason, impose a limitation upon that self-same reason.
Oh, men of Terra, before it is too late, stay your hands, lest those self-same hands be turned against you. You, oh men of Earth, are planning to protect yourselves against your brothers. This you may do. But how will you protect yourselves from yourselves...? What nuclear weapons can protect you from this? Will a gun do it? Will a bomb d it? Will gas do it? Will rays do it? Will high-frequency radio-waves do it? Will radar show you when your self doth come as the avenger? How foolish to think so!
The Valley of Decision awaits you, oh Terra! Step slowly; step cautiously, with your eyes upon the Sun, with your mind upon the Creator and know that you cannot hide from that Divine Justice which you impose upon yourself.
This Transmission came from Mars Sector 6, now operating the Third Satellite in an orbit around Terra during a Magnetization Period in the year 1956, with the sanction and authority of Interplanetary Parliament through Primary Earth Receiving out.''
* The Mental Channel here refers to George King as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel. The 'Channel' spent many years of intense yogic practice in many disciplines before he could induce the much sought-after state of Samadhi Trance whereby such 'Communications' could be received while Dr King was in a higher state of consciousness.
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