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"I saw many pastors cherishing dangerous ideas against the Church. . . . They built a large, singular, extravagant church which was to embrace all creeds with equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics, and all denominations, a true communion of the unholy with one shepherd and one flock. There was to be a Pope, a salaried Pope, without possessions. All was made ready, many things finished; but, in place of an altar, were only abomination and desolation. Such was the new church to be, and it was for it that he had set fire to the old one; but God designed otherwise."
--from Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Vol. 2, pp. 352-353
Key Findings
The end of the Current Papacy - (the office held by the pope as head of the Roman Catholic Church, according to Catholic doctrine ) will end in either 2016 ( possible ) or 2020 ( very likely )
Stability - within the Church is one of the key findings during the next one to five Years.
Devastating World Event - which develops over the next five to 10 years, will bring a renewed sense of strength, direction and influence by the Church over the state.
What is the future of faith? What future is there for the church? Are some of the questions I have raised with the Universal Waite Tarot this Week. There is no doubt that conflicting news within the Church and reservations surrounding God’ faith is seen broadcast across home media almost every day.
Curiously however, even though trends and statistics do suggest that more and more people are questioning their faith to the core ( Christian numbers are substantially down from the 2001 figure of 72% ), It is considered that even more people believe in their alternative ‘God’, the omnipresent, omnipotent all powerful creator (The 2011 Census shows that minority and alternative religions are steadily growing ).
To seek clarity and direction of the Church and to see how its future plays a fundamental role within our society, I have consulted the Tarot for direct answers about the future of The Papacy, which includes Pope Frances’s future pathway.
Short term news emerging from the Vatican and the Catholic Church (within the next five years)
Pentacles x 6, Swords x 6, Ace Pentacles
The next five Years does present a moderately stable pathway within the corridors of power as far as the Church is involved. Ongoing stability will be attributed in part, to the direct inspiration from Pope Francis. The reflective nature of Swords x 6 is leaning toward a tentative but enlarging tide of popularity within the Church. This finding appears to reverse the belief that people are abandoning the Church in their flocks, in favour of alternative belief systems or even an agnostic affinity.
Whilst it is assumed that people are questioning their faith in the traditional orthodox style, the Tarot does suggest that ‘God like Spirituality’ is not weakening as many foundations would have us believe, including most notably, amongst agnostics, atheists and the scientific community alike.
There are two important signals emerging within the symbolic influence of the three cards within the first row. The first hint suggests a far more engaging and embracing leadership from the Church, which brings transformed appeal to a larger cross- section of the World’s population.
The second signal emerging is a credible change in the papacy within the next five Years. The reason for change is not predicted by the Tarot within this lay, but change in all probability will be either in 2016 or 2020. The Years between times are not significant for change as indicated by the Tarot.
On balance, the reflective number association with the Tarot Arcana is pointing toward the idea that Pope Francis’s period in office will in all probability, end in 2020. The stronger signs and allegory of the deck does suggest that history will record Pope Francis’s time in power with positive reverence.
External Challenges ( one to five years )
Wands x 9 + The Tower
Two distinct cards which when combined, reflects a further shift in the direction of disorderly chaos for World socio-economic and political stability. As far as external influences upon the Church are concerned, these pressures come about from World events that will begin to materialise over the next one to five Years.
The full picture surrounding further World’ disarray is not directly predicted in this short Tarot lay, but the manifestation of World conflict begins to build momentum from 2015 and peaks by 2025. In spite of this, the stronger symbolic signs in row two, seem to point to an event that literally embroils the World entirely.
Long term direction of the Church ( five to ten Years )
The Empress + Ace Cups
The Tarot does see unfolding over the next ten Years, World events that are uncontrollable, especially during the latter period of this prediction ( 2020 to 2025 ) to the point where more and more people begin drawing their consideration to orthodox religion as a means of finding direction, hope and guidance during this disturbing decade ahead.
More interestingly perhaps is the prophecy that large sections of the World’s population have conceivably and totally deserted their trust in the ability of Politicians to resolve the World’s difficult times ahead.
Human nature by and large attaches itself to some sort of faith mechanism, which can be linked to our major evolutionary purpose. Accordingly, personal strength within the group’s capacity to cope with the challenges of a hostile environment are amplified during difficult times.
The conclusion drawn by the Tarot in this reading strongly supports the idea that the modern day Papacy and orthodox religion will encounter good providence during the next ten Years. On the back of this, a restored sense of identity and influence across the Globe in the next five to ten years is strongly implicated within orthodox religion.
Tony Olliver
Intuitive Tarot Reader
Endorsed Professional Tarot Reader & Mentor
Tarot Association of the British Isles
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