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You know the drill. You wash your face, brush your teeth, pop off your slippers and hopefully your socks! Then climb under those comfy warm sheets, anticipating a wondrously wistful slumber and……………………BANG!
Your mind goes into warp speed! Little gremlins have rebooted and reconnecting your neurotransmitters and receptors. You are now plugged in, fully charged and your head has its own electrical field – with the ability to power a small army of gremlins.
So what is going on? Why is your day, a situation, a plan, a thought going round and round on constant replay? Stress for one, and it should not be belittled by any other theory or thought that I share with you. But the tip I have, which I will go in to shortly, may help.
Many believe you are more connected to your intuition – and if you are that way inclined – to spirit guides, guardians and spirit family. But I would like to present it more as your inspiration.
I have spent many a night dreaming up new articles and ideas, creating goals and aspirations only to wake the following morning with tiny little nonsense snippets that I cannot make head nor tail out of. I have tried desperately to remember but my twilight thoughts have gone to a happy place and that’s it - the thoughts are now lost in some deep dark cerebral depths.
So what do I propose to help ease the racing mind? It might sound simplistic, boring even, but putting pen to paper really helps off-load your thoughts and helps “put them to bed”, ultimately sending you off into a relaxing sleep. Boring it is, to start, as it can feel like a laborious task – but stick with it. Think of it as your dumping ground, things you don’t need to think about until tomorrow. It’s not procrastinating it’s acknowledging that bedtime is your time, you are just parking your thoughts until morning.
Putting pen to paper also works well both day and night.
Lets say you had a great dream but once you have gone to the kitchen, made your morning cup of choice, the detail has disappeared - how annoying is that! Writing it down as soon as you wake will not only help you remember specific details, building pictures and images in your head. It also enables you to make sense of what you were dreaming about. Forget the dream analysis websites – although they may prompt different ideas – it is ultimately your thoughts and interpretations that will give you the all important answers.
12 hours ago I thought about writing this particular blog. Simply by typing a note, “pen to paper” into my phone before drifting off, has prompted me to carry out my note. When I woke this morning, it was already implanted in my head and I didn’t even looked at my mobile. So could it be by writing down a To Do List it instantly unlocks your unconscious mind and converts them into conscious actions? Maybe.
And my dream? Well I was in a college setting and I was offered a job as a journalist and was ecstatic!
Therefore could pre-sleep thoughts, which have been written down, trigger a dream which helps you remember what you need to remember? Interesting!?
If I take this theory to the next level. Lets say you write down the name of a person, a family member, a spirit guide who has departed and you have had trouble communicating with them. Hold their image firmly in your mind and think of a special place and time that you either feel comfortable in or have been before. Write down the name of that place. Now see that person in that place and let yourself drift off.
I will try this exercise tonight, just to see what happens. It would be great if you too could have a go and let me know what happens? And I would really like to hear your thoughts and theories on this and impart your experiences and ideas.
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