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There is much to be learned and gained from our dreams as we sleep every night only if we take the time to interpret them upon awaking. In fact, dreams are full of valuable information that we can apply to improving our daily lives. Dreams can often be premonitions of future events, solutions to life's problems, alternate solutions that we never thought of while awake, warnings, guidance, creative ideas, issues being brought to the surface for release such as fears for example, etc. Even Einstein valued interpreting his dreams. Some of his theories came to him not while he was awake, but rather, while he was asleep and dreaming. If it wasn't for Thomas Edison realizing the value of interpreting his dreams, the world may still be in the dark. A solution to a problem that he was having with inventing the light bulb came to him in the form of a dream.
Dreams are usually symbolic. The symbols are tailor made for each person. In other words, they are based on whatever each individual's perceptions are of the symbols. For example, a dream about a white cat could mean something entirely different to me than it does for you. I may have been attacked by a white cat as a child and may be afraid of them. Therefore, if I were to dream about a white cat, it would be about a fear that I have or about being attacked. If you have only had positive experiences with white cats, on the other hand, such a dream could mean something entirely different to you.
Some people do not remember their dreams upon awaking. However, I once read a magazine article written by Laura V. Hyde, the author of the books, "Gifts of the Soul" and "The Intimate Soul", that offered some wonderful suggestions in helping with remembering our dreams. Laura's suggestions are as follows:
- State the intention to remember your dreams before falling asleep each night.
- Ask a question related to what you want guidance on over and over in your mind before falling asleep. Our dreams are usually about what is currently affecting our lives. Therefore, asking for guidance on our current issues is a good way to start remembering our dreams.
- Keep a notebook or tape recorder by your bed, and write your dreams down or record them the first thing when you awake each morning. Even if you awake in the middle of the night, write down your dreams.
- Ask your higher self or pray to our Creator, your spirit guides, guardian angels, or whatever you believe in to remember your dreams and for help with interpreting them.
Our dreams are full of valuable information. If we analyze and interpret them, we could solve many of the issues in our daily lives, and we could even avoid pitfalls. It is simply a matter of taking the time to do it and asking for guidance.
To all, farewell and sweet dreams!
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