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Our Earth, this globe is a living being with incarnate power, life and consciousness. It breathes, its heart beats. It is the body of a highly advanced being who is the spirit of the Earth. Rivers are as its nerves, oceans great nerve centre's. Mountains are the denser structures of the giant whose outer form is mans evolutionary field.Its inner life and potent energies are the abiding place of the Gods. The approach to nature by modern man is almost exclusively through action and his outer senses. To few among her human devotee's approach her in stillness with outer senses quited and inner sense aroused. Few therefore discover the Goddess herself behind her earthly veil. There is value in the outer, active life, and a power and beauty in natures garb. Power far greater and beauty far deeper however lie beneath her veil only to be drawn aside by silent contemplation of her inner life.The heart of nature, save for its rhythmic pulse, abides in silence. The devotee at natures shrine must approach her alter reverently and with quite mind if he would find her beating heart and know the power within the form. The doorway of her temple exists and is to be found in every natural form. Contemplation of a single flower may led the seeker through. A plant displaying natures symmetry, a tree, a mountain range, a flowing river, a thundering cascade, each and all of these will serve the contemplative soul of a man as entrance to the realm of the real wherein natu

res self abides.
In contemplation of natures outward form the doorway to her temple should be approached humbly. Self identification with her inner life, deep response to her beauty without and within-these are the means of entry to her inmost shrine. Within await also her gorgeous ethereal and wise helpers, the timeless ones, the everlasting priest/builders of that realm who minister throughout creations everlasting day. Few, far to few have found entrance there since Greece became a ruin and Rome fell into decay. The very early Greeks and others dwelt in simplicity and so were able to gaze on her noble face, complexities had not yet arisen. Human character was direct even as life then was simple and human minds, if somewhat primitive, were attunes to the universal soul. However, the great wheel revolves and those golden days shall return on a higher turn of the spiral of life and when nature calls again to man, who, as he hears, will respond with love. For man has passed or is passing through the great cycle of darkness following the decay and dissolution of Rome. Yet, unfortunately he has, with the industrialization and mechanization of the world lost his contact with natures hidden life. to regain it, all that dulls the senses, everything gross and impure and all indulgences must be left behind. The divine heart of life must be approached in silent contemplation and single-mindedness and with love, thus only may that heart be truly found.
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