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Be Nice - it's easy
For far too many years I was out in the wildnerness. After a tough upbringing I search for answers to issues I was having, so as with a lot therapists I became a 'wounded healer'.
I took the therapy business very seriously indeed, I read everything I could lay my hands on, gestalt, freud, Rogers, Tapping, Gold Therapy, integrative, cure by crying, Robert Dilts, and on and on.
After qualifying in all and more of the above I found this still didn't find me MY answers, and my thinking has been and always will be "if it doesn't work for me, how can I expect it to work for others"
The next part of my journey involved hypnotherapy. I studied with one of the best in the world IMHO - Stephen Brooks and qualified with a distinction.
Still no answers - but to be fair, getting clearer.
I attended a workshop in 2005 with Jerry & Esther Hicks in Las Vegas and thought the Law of Attraction was rubbish and piff. I mean I had read all these books and nowhere was mentioned LOA.
Finally and fortunately for me I went on a cruise with Esther and finally I answered the knock on my door and life has never been rosier.
Once you 'get' what the LOA is and really go into detail your life will never be the same again - I am living proof and people who attend my workshops will tell you the same.
So to sum up - The Law of Attraction - simple not easy, however worth every moment of your time if spent thinking the right thoughts.
Enjoy life - find me on facebook by typing in Thinkagreatlife!
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