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Yesterday during the Interfaith Seminary (I'm trainign to be a Minister) weekend, we did a meditation in which a being of light would answer a few spiritual questions. A bit unsurprisingly, since I do read the Tarot, the being who came to me looked a lot like the classical image of the Hermit, although when he took of his hood, I thought he looked more like an ancient god...Odin, may be? In any case, I asked my burning question: how do I know, when I asked Devine guidance, that the words I hear come from Spirit?
“Bells, of course,” answered Odin/Hermit. “When the voice you hear if of God, a space opens between your heart and your wings (back) and becomes a bell tower: the truth resonates within you and fills you and moves you. Sometimes the bells are soft and airy, like jingle bells, and you get that feeling of joy and innocence. These bells usually remind you to tread gently in this world, to treat softly yourself and others and find beauty and worthiness everywhere around you. This is the voice who asks you to be like lilies in the field; to visit grandma and give Auntie Jenny a call; to sing just because singing makes you happy and happiness is your natural state.
Other times the bells have a deep, slow, resounding tone. Here the Goddess is asking you to stop and reflect on your thoughts, words and actions. It’s a call to remember you divine nature and bring forth the dignity of the gods; to see the spark of Spirit within you, seek it without and act accordingly. These bells ask you to open your eyes and see those things that are taking you away from your path. They give the opportunity to look back at the map and retrace the route towards our destination.
Then there are the happy bells of weddings, telling us that in a way, we are all married to each other, and our life endeavour is to make out of many one, a diamond of many facets, each unique, each part of the whole. There are warning bells calling us to be warriors of light, ready to help and defend the vulnerable. There are nostalgic bells, ringing over graveyards on Sunday afternoons, bringing a sense of acceptance of that we don’t understand and a call for faith in the wisdom and love of the Lord and Lady of Life. And there are those impatient bells at meal time, reminding us that we must come and nourish ourselves before we can continue doing the things that we do.
So the voice of Spirit call us to nurture ourselves with the divine substance only God provides; the voice of Spirit asks us to accept and trust when we simply cannot understand; the voice of Spirit calls us to seek union, love, understanding and reconciliation with other souls to make this human “marriage” work; the voice of Spirit is a call to open our eyes and see divinity within and without; the voice of spirit is a call for joy, gentleness and innocence; the voice of Spirit are bells that fill the void of towers and make them vibrate with life.”
“Trust,” said Odin Hermit, “the bell of truth that resonates within you. It will call you to where you need to go and it will call to you that which needs to come.”
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