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chalice hill, glastonbury
This is just a field on top of Chalice Hill right?
I've just got back from Glastonbury, where I was shown this etheric healing temple for the second time.
The entrance is through a portal on the top of the hill, in the field that you can see in the photo above.
You can feel the energy most strongly by walking along a footpath from Dod's Rd:-
If you climb just up the footpath past the ashram and then walk to the field on the right, and stand by the barbed wire fence there, there are two big trees.
The portal/vortex is in between the two, but further into the field.
This beautiful energy from this vortex rolls down the hill towards the Abbey - it's just SO Divine Feminine!
From the Tor, you can see it's the field on top of Chalice Hill, and me and my friend could see there's a big shape growing there naturally in the grass that looks like a heart!! Exactly where the portal is!
When I was 'shown' the temple for the first time, I was experiencing a strong compulsion to go and stand on the portal, and was getting really frustrated as it's clearly private property, and I didn't want to trespass.
Then I realised that I didn't need to physically do it (after all, I've connected to the heart of the Tor, which is under the ground, and I did it all from the 'stone egg').
So I let myself be drawn to a spot (which was the place I mentioned by the fence above) and then did the rest energetically.
First I saw the earth opening up at the portal, and a shaft going down (like a well).
At the bottom was Mary Magdalene, & I think Sarah was there too, and there was a 'healing table', which was a grey slab of stone.
We talked for a while, and they told me that they were going to do some healing work with a piece of me that was very wounded, so that they needed some time...
Could I come back another time, they asked, and retrieve the piece of myself?!
Which is what I did today! (After a year or so)
I went back to the same place, and saw the temple opening, and golden light radiating out.
The pieces of me were completely healed, and flew jubiliantly back towards me!
I saw a white pegasus horse with wings flying into me, going in at the heart centre, and a heart made up from alternate layers of yellow and pink - also with wings, going into my third eye!
I was all back together again!
And then the temple closed again, but I knew the support of the angels and the holy family stayed with me.
It was/ is a lovely feeling.
The temple, is I think, a woman's temple.
Not meaning that it's only women that are healed, not at all, (all things can be brought for healing here).
Only that the healing is done through the Divine Feminine, so it's a Divine Feminine/ Goddess Healing temple, and Mary Magdalene presides over it.
Sarah is there too, but her mother is the presiding force. Here, Sarah assists as the daughter.
It feels to me that there was a temple here like this in Atlantean times, and I also feel that there will be a temple like this here once again further into the future.
For now, we can use it in the etheric realms, we can ask to go there in our sleep, and we can go there in mediation/ trance.
I'm being given that I will use it in my healing work when I'm guided, and I'm also being asked to create an audio healing meditation, which I'll make available so people can go there and receive healing.
Also by working more with it, I'll find out more information about the temple and how to work with it's healing energies....
I have another photo on my laptop which is in Denmark just now, ( I only travel with my netbook) and that's got something more of the energies that I'm talking about, so I'll use that aswell when I get back later on in November...
These are exciting times....Grace is all around us, and Sarah is here to work with us.
Anyway, I just wanted to share all this, as it's been such an exciting thing to experience, and can't wait to hear about others experiencing it too!!
Lots of blessings,
Rachel Goodwin is a channel, hypnotherapist & energy healer who works with Sarah, and offers a free monthly blessing service, sending out Sarah's blessings.
If you'd like to learn more about Sarah, and how to access her in your life, you can go to Rachel's website at or email her at
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