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Hello and welcome to the Spirit network Radio Show with your host, Mark Chatterton. Today I would like to welcome back onto the show researcher and author Anthony Peake. Anthony is now the author of over ten books covering the human mind, consciousness and their relationship to science. In fact he is fast becoming one of the leading lights into the study of altered states of consciousness. His first book, Is There Life after Death – The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die has now sold in excess of 60,000 copies. His latest book, The Hidden Universe – An Investigation into Non-Human Intelligences was published late last year, just before the Coronavirus Epidemic took hold. In it Anthony looks at subjects such as Alien Abduction, Religious Visions, Shamanism, Imaginary Childhood Friends, Ghosts and a whole host of other “Intelligences”, some of which we will talk about today. So a warm welcome to you Anthony.
It is now getting on for a year when we met at the book launch for The Hidden Universe at Watkins Books in Central London. What a year it’s been. I know you should have gone to the United States this summer to speak at the Contact in the Desert Event, but obviously Covid-19 put paid to that. I understand that you still managed to get away to Greece though, one of your favourite places?
Moving onto your latest book, The Hidden Universe, you start off the book by looking at Shamanism and the notion of Egregorials. This is a theme which is found throughout the book. Could you explain a little about what you understand by Egregorials?
Moving onto the subject of UFOs and in particular Alien Abductions, you mention that in the USA the consensus of thought is that these are physical realities, whereas in Europe these are more seen as mental realities. Could you explain how this view has come into being?
So is that the same with religious visions that these are all created in the mind?
I would like to move onto the subject of Synchronicity – I’m not sure if you have mentioned it in your books, but it does seem to keep cropping up on your Facebook page. Would you care to tell your audience a little about what you perceive Synchronicity to be and maybe tell us about a synchronistic experience that you have had.
I know that you’ve just started work on your latest book, which you are quite excited about. Could you tell us a little about it.
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