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Louisa Marie
Psychic Readings
I decided to write this article because it came to my attention that the general public are unaware of what they should expect from a reading and what to look for in a good reader. Firstly I would like to explain the difference between a psychic reading and a mediumship reading. When we work on a psychic level we are working with the energy of the recipient, we are able to pick up on what is going on in their lives currently, what may have happened in the past and what they can expect in the time ahead. The reader may work with tools such as Cards and the Pendulum. A mediumship reading is working with the energy of the spirit. So the medium will provide evidence of the person they have with them, this can be a loved one passed, a friend or relative and can go way back in your ancestry, it doesn’t necessarily have to be someone who has recently passed over. The medium may be able to give you the relationship you had with this person, so for example they may say “ I have your Mother/ Father here”. They can usually give a physical description and may provide details about that person’s life and how they passed so that you know who they are speaking about. There will usually be a message too from your loved one.
Did you know that we are all born with psychic ability? We are generally not taught as children to develop this gift and some of us tend to lose it. This is where the term ‘use it or lose it’ is relevant. However, not all of us have the gift of mediumship, we are all psychic but not all have the ability to be medium. Those who work with our psychic gift, whether consciously or not, tend to develop more easily and may move on to mediumship as we progress on our path. For example: I was very intuitive as a child, I always had a kind of ‘knowing’ and would receive premonitions in the form of dreams. The premonitions where about significant events in my life, which came to pass. As I grew, I developed in all areas of Psychic and Mediumship ability. My private one to one readings are now a combination of working with psychic energy and the energy of spirit. During a reading I may start of working on a Psychic level and progress to working with spirit as the reading moves on. Sometimes I will work purely on a psychic level, for me it really depends on what my client needs at that particular time in their lives. It is important though to be aware that we all work differently and are individual in our ways of providing a client with the guidance to help them on their way. Therefore, it is also important for the recipient to have an open mind when having a reading. I always say to my clients before their reading that for them to receive the best reading possible we need three things present, the energy from me the Psychic/Medium, the energy from the recipient and the energy from the spirit guides or spirit. If you seek a reading for whatever purpose, the more relaxed you are the better reading you will receive.
That brings me on to the subject of; How do you know if the reading you are having is a good reading? A good reading is coming from a genuine source, by genuine source I am referring to either spirit on the on the other side or the psychics spirit guides. A good psychic may be able to sense why it is you are having a reading. They may be able to pick up on significant events that have happened or are happening around you at that time. A psychic should not ask you too many questions. The reading should be more in the form of statements, for example: “I know you have recently moved house”, and not “have you moved house recently”? It’s important to understand too that psychic readings are only a form of guidance and not something to run your life by. Having a reading does not relieve you of the decision making process. You still have to take responsibility, and you do have the power to change your current circumstances which will directly affect your future. What I am saying here is that you have the power to change your future with the decisions you make today, so a reading about the future is not always so accurate. However when a psychic picks up on what is currently happening in your life and provides guidance on how to deal with the situation then this type of reading, I feel , is so beneficial to the recipient, and can really help when important decisions need to be made, which will in turn affect the future outcome.
When having a mediumship reading you should be able to recognise the person coming through in the spirit world by the evidential information the medium provides for you. A good medium will be able to help you recognise that person fairly quickly, you will get information such as their relationship to you, appearance, personal things about them such as their job when on the earth plane, where they lived, how many children, were they married, their name, a personal memory, how they passed, their personality etc. Again the medium will not be asking too many questions, however, a medium will need you to verify the information they are giving you. For example they may say something like,” I have a man here who passed with a lung condition, he was 47 when he passed and his name is John”, they will then need you to verify that you understand the information given. They will then go on to give you some more information about this person, and again you will be asked to verify this. If a medium says things like “I have a person here, have you lost someone over the last few years?” This type of comment is fishing for information. Basically if the information the medium is giving you is too general then they may not be working with spirit or may not have your loved one with them. Genuine information from a loved one in the spirit world is usually very touching and reaches the recipient on a personal level. Sometimes a medium may give you just one word or statement, but that one piece of information is what we call the ‘golden nugget’ because it reaches the recipient on a deep level. They know that there is no way the medium could have had access to that information. For example; I was performing on stage and during a demonstration of mediumship I brought through the relative of a young lady in the audience, I was given the word ‘milk’ from the spirit person which I gave to the young lady, she immediately understood what the spirit person was speaking about. Her husband had recently bought his mother a cow, how unusual is that? Not many people have cows which they buy for their mother. By giving this piece of information it was the spirits way of letting her know that they are still around. A good mediumship reading should provide you with comfort and reassurance that your loved one is well and still around you.
A great reading whether on a psychic level or mediumship level should leave you feeling uplifting and enlightening. Even if some parts of the reading have been a bit emotional for you the end should always be left on a positive note. A good reader will not tell you bad things and focus on the negative aspects too much, I am aware that we all have negative situations at some point in our lives and they are unavoidable, but it’s how we deal with them that counts, staying positive as much as possible is essential in all that life sends us.
I do hope this article has shed some light for those seeking a good psychic or medium for a reading. The only advice I can give is that if a reading feels wrong then it is probably just that. You are perfectly within your rights to request a reading to stop and get your money back within the first few minutes, especially if you feel the psychic or medium is not connecting with you. Also as a professional it is also within the rights of the psychic or medium to refuse to read for a client or to terminate the reading should they not get a connection, again a refund will be offered. I know pretty quickly during a reading if I am not connecting with my client and will say so. It is nothing personal just that the connection is not being made at that time for whatever reason.
Please remember that most psychics and mediums work in truth, honesty and with good integrity and have great ethics, however, as with all professions there are those who taint and bring a bad name to our profession with their unethical ways of working. Unfortunately we can find this in all professions. The important thing is to not allow the unethical few to spoil what is an ancient and wonderful gift and profession which many now seek in order to help them in their lives.
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