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Do intelligent alien life forms exist? Do they visit our planet? Does the NASA elite and top government know about this? Public money has funded space exploration; do we therefore deserve to know all the facts?
In a current, high profile legal battle, NASA, stands have been accused of the following:-
• Amending and secreting photographic evidence of UFO's, in an attempt to deliberately conceal the truth from the public.
• Secret possession of alien spacecraft
• Knowledge, covert development and use of alien technology - including "free energy" technology.
• Having "None-Terrestrial Officers" off planet?
NASA is commissioned to "Look for signs of life in other planetary systems" - which is funded by Government Grants - if it is revealed that any of the accusations are true, the allegations could affect not only the level of blind trust afforded to NASA's findings, but also future funding.
These accusations are the result of a high profile court case against UK Hacker, Gary McKinnon.
Gary Mckinnon, who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome (a mild form of autism), from London was an avid sci-fi fan with a particular interest in UFO's. In the late 1990's, he started to research all related topics of interest on the internet. He had computer qualifications and using his (fairly basic) knowledge, he found - amazingly - that he could easily hack into NASA's and other US military systems computer systems.
Gary openly admits that he became obsessed in his search for "the truth" (a common symptom of Asperger's Syndrome) and continued to hack into US computer systems, on a regular basis for a number of years thereafter.
NASA computers were not all password protected, and Gary confirms that whilst he was hacking, he could see that there were several other hackers, from other countries, were in their systems, he assumed that many of them were in fact, foreign Governmental hackers (hence they do not face prosecution).
Gary continued to hack, even though he was fully aware that his actions were wrong and illegal, due to the interesting and concerning nature of files that he gained access to - including; evidence of UFO cover ups and knowledge of technology "free energy" - which he believed was information that, morally, should be in the public domain.
In 2002, whilst hacking, Gary got a knock on the door - his computer activities had been under surveillance for a number of weeks - he would be charged and face a trial in the UK - under the law at that time, he would be facing a fine and 6 months community service .
In 2005, Gary was re-arrested - the American Government was demanding that he be extradited and face trial in the USA - a potential 60-70 year sentence in a high security jail if found guilty.
He stands accused of causing $800,000.00 worth of damage to NASA's computer systems - this is an accusation that Gary denies, he claims that he merely browsed files and left a couple of cheeky notes regarding the poor level of security. The McKinnon family have launched an internet appeal for assistance from the general public in this case in the following website LINK.
After losing an appeal in the House of Lords to prevent extradition, there is a last attempt judicial review on 20th January 09, which will ultimately decide his fate - this date has now been extended.
It is ironic however, that NASA's attempt to bury this individual, along with his knowledge, has actually lead to a high profile legal battle.
A number of credible ex-NASA employee "whistle-blowers" have agreed to support Gary McKinnon in this case by providing eye-witness testimony, examples of situations where UFO knowledge was deliberately secreted or altered to prevent the public finding out "the truth".
Reports of UFO sightings have occurred throughout history, See the following link: "
The number of reported sightings has seen a sharp increase in the last few years - should we be concerned? Why is this? - There are a few possible explanations:-
• Increased alien interest in the Earth
• Increased covert Governmental technology use - UFO's of Earth origin
• Increased technology available to the general public - Night vision / infra red or UV digital cameras
• Increased technology available to the public to allow them to produce "fake" UFO footage.
• Decreasing negative stigma attached to those who claim to have seen a UFO
Five Recent Sightings
1. 18th Jan 09 - A possible UFO sighting in Southern Sweden, reported by multiple witnesses - a large bright light source that turned the sky bright green - then bright blue - then disappearing without trace
2. 15th Jan 09 - A triangular shaped UFO was snapped near Conisholme (UK) wind farm a few weeks before one of the wind turbines was found to have very unusual damage - the damage led to theories that it may have been caused by a UFO.
3. Many "conspiracy" sites are reporting the findings of an amateur astronomer John Lenard Walson who claims to have devised an "apparatus composed of a common CCD camcorder and a commercial grade telescope that is capable of zooming and focusing in on deep space objects (which appear to the naked eye as regular stars) in such a way, that their shape and structure becomes clearly visible"- these structures would be enormous - If this work is verified, the implications of this find are huge!
4. 24th November 2008 - The Austin (Texas) Planetarium began to investigate some strange lights in the sky. An astronomy expert is calling them UFO's.
"Some men who live in a Central Austin apartment building say they've seen bizarre things in the sky for months, but lately it's been more frequent." The men recorded their sightings on home video.
5. LATEST UFO NEWS - In a news story on the following link, reported on 19/01/09, either a meteorite or UFO had crashed in Saudi Arabia and had been witnessed by millions of people.
Quote "It was reported that thousands of people were terrified and many even began to pray. Some have posted messages on the web warning that this might be a sign from God for the Kingdoms silence on Gaza. Locals in the region where the object appeared to be heading claim they heard an explosion and felt a large tremor indicating that the object crashed. The Saudi government has not released information regarding the crash site but is reported to have sealed the area."
The sheer number of reported sightings, even in the past couple of years, is staggering, and the above are just a few examples of the types of reports coming into the public eye.
There are arguments put forward, that suggest that even if NASA is found guilty of covert cover-ups, it is entirely justified as the general public is not ready to know the truth about alien existence, and that the truth may cause social breakdown, religious uprisings and deaths.
NASA revelations in mid January of the existence of life on Mars (in the form of methane producing micro-organisms), a revelation that was perhaps forced as a result of this high profile case, seemed to have had no negative effect upon the general public.
Even in the face of this argument, should the public be content to fund the advancement of knowledge of the elite few, who, on the basis of this premise, could justify the concealment and control of technology (to improve and solidify their own elite powerbase) which could and should be used to improve and enhance life on Earth.
The Gary McKinnon case is a very interesting- make sure that you keep your eye on the media events surrounding it!
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