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There is a fabulous aspect in the sky right now (it's exact today but will be active for weeks) Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter are conjunct in Aquarius. Basically, this is taking us into an unknown area of freedom. Anything can happen and we probably won't see the results of this alignment for months or years.
Chiron is called the wounded healer. Chiron in Aquarius describes our collective wound and also our collective dream. Jupiter carries the energy of expansion and exploration into unknown realms. Neptune brings in new visions and dreams and dissolves the old definitions of identity.
These three big-hitters are huddling in Aquarius to initiate a significant transformation to the whole collective. The plan is to free us from the limitations (programs, implants and belief systems) of the current reality and open the door to new possibilities.
Unlike some other alignments when we would set an intention to do or create something, with this one we are opening to the possibility that all is in perfect, divine order, exactly as it is, right now.
Ascension (Freedom) is not about creating a better life or world within the old reality. Ascension does not mean having a perfect body, bank account, relationships or work. Nor is it about seeking for something "better". Ascension is realizing that the old reality, including some of the parts that we love, is only a game, an illusion.
With this energetic alignment, I suggest that you take some time to just BE. Don't do anything except to contemplate the possibility that there is nothing that you have to do, nothing you have to change in order to be valuable and lovable. You are you know, you are infinitely loved right now, exactly as you are.
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