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The Spirit of Spring is upon us. Woodlands carpeted with Snow drops, Hawthorn and Blackthorn profuse and extravagant with scented blossom, such a wonderful experience to behold. For me it inspires me with hope, promises of warmer days to come and fills my heart with joy. Knowing that we are alive and that we share this world with a myriad of life forms plants, fauna and an incalculable number of other creatures large and small.
What a wonderful position we are in, How blessed are we? From a human perspective to be able to observe an almost incalculable array of that creative force, that dynamic living energy which animates all things.
The more we look the more of that creative force we can see. We can look up in to the night sky and there we are able to observe a magnificent infinite magnitude which is beyond the comprehension and understanding of the finite mind, A living cosmos.
With our technology we are able to observe worlds within worlds as we glimpse in the very fabric of reality itself and witness the miracle of atomic and subatomic creation. Entire solar systems in one atom.
One does not have to be a scientist to be able to appreciate the wonder of it all. To me to be able to witness just a fragment of it is astounding and leaves me with no doubt whatsoever that life is no random accident, There is an intelligence, an undeniable orchestrating power which is responsible for it.
What a unique position we are in as human beings. We have the biggest brains and are able to reason and calculate. We have been given a supreme gift of consciousness awareness, through which we are able to observe and understand and be in awe of it all…
Let us not be bogged down with the petty and insignificant, Let us raise our heads to the heavens, lets aspire to the greatness to which we are capable. Mankind has unlimited creative potential. In real terms we are in our infancy, We have not even begun to touch on what we are capable of. We are just beginning to glimpse it now, but it is not the end, it is only the beginning… When we begin to pull together instead of fighting and competing with one another, when our motive becomes one of mutual support and love, a new day will have dawned For us all… You will do greater things than I have done a great man once said… That man’s intension was never to become an idol of worship but an example to us all, an example of what can be achieved with a little faith.
There are many great men and Woman from all walks of life who by there example are guiding lights. When I see a demonstration of good Mediumship for example that can serve to show us what can be achieved. The same concept can be applied to all the great people we have seen from people of great compassion and love, Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, to great inspiration leaders such as Mahatma Ghandi, or Nelson Mandela… Don’t worship these people but let them be an inspiration to you… to show us a fragment of what can be achieved… That germ of creative infinite and eternal possibility is within each and every one of us… Never underestimate your worth, a Great power saw fit to put you here… unfold your potential reach out to the highest that you can be…
Come on lets do it together… Make this spring one of personal growth, let that growth be Physical mental emotional and a Spiritual one.
In Service Nick Shutler
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