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Astral projection
Astral projection is an out-of -body experience that can be achieved either during sleep, lucid dreaming, hypnosis, deep meditation or conscious projection. During astral projection the consciousness leaves the physical body and moves into the Astral or Etheric body in order to experience and learn. You remain attached to your physical body via the 'silver umbilical cord' and this cord cannot be broken until the time of death. It is quite possible to see this cord while astral traveling but it is not guaranteed. While your Astral body is out traveling your physical body is quite safe and rests in the sleep state.
The practice of Astral Travel has been around for decades, dating back to ancient China, it is a natural thing to do although many people do not realize that they are indeed traveling, this is usually due to a lack of awareness when out. Although simple to do during sleep, to consciously astral travel can be a little more challenging until mastered. In order to do this, hypnosis or deep meditation is used; you must feel completely relaxed, remove any fear blocks, position yourself in a reclining position and allow the process to happen. It is a good idea to keep the physical body covered with a warm blanket or similar, as it can become cold when you travel out.
Fly the Astral Skies
During Astral travel your spirit or Astral Body leaves the physical body and moves into the higher dimensions, of either the astral plane or the spirit world. Experiencing projection helps touch on life itself and gives us a glimpse into what happens after physical death. Through visiting other dimensions we are able to have teachings from spiritual teachers and thus gain wisdom to help during our physical lives.
When you project you do not have to go through a white light or a tunnel as people have reported during a near death experience. Astral projection is not related to near death experience at all - it is simply an out of body experience. It is possible to gain access and view the Akashic records in order to learn spiritually during Astral travel, because space and time do not exist in the realms of the Astral or higher realms, everything is right here and now, you simply think of where you want to go and you are there immediately!
Astral travelers may travel from one realm to another through 'thought' alone, contrary to how we use our five senses here on the physical world, during out of body experiences we use our sixth senses. Communication is via 'thought' or Telepathy, Feeling, Knowing and there are no limits on what can be seen as we are able to see in every direction, in front, behind, to the side, above, below, and beyond. There are no physical boundaries in these dimensions and normal physical laws do not apply so we are free to fly, jump, float, walk through walls if that is what we so desire.
The environments are varied, they can be unpopulated or populated, the colors vibrant to the degree that they are not recognized in the physical world, there can be buildings or simple landscapes, beautiful scenery, roads, mountains, retreats or even an astral counterpart of a physical location you are familiar with in the physical world.
It is possible to see Entities who are of different forms; they are not only in human form. They can be Angels, spirit guides, friends, pets, deceased loved ones or pets, even beings from different dimensions can be met even other astral travelers.
The astral plane is a fantastic place to travel and explore, it operates at a much higher frequency then we experience on the earth plane and it is possible to see many things that are not on this earth at present. Some may have been present at some point in the past on earth or they may appear on earth in the future, even animals that became extinct on the earth plane can be seen in the astral planes - because there is no death of the etheric body. In every day life in every instant on earth we are actually walking through people and objects that exist on a different dimensional plane, these dimensions are not only all around us, they permeate all things. For further information on this I suggest reading basic Quantum physics and also about the Space Time Continuum.
Through experiencing astral projection it gives you a good insight that people and objects that exist on other realms are in fact as real as we experience any object or person on our earthly terrain.
Expand your horizons and your consciousness and allow yourself to travel to places you never even dreamed of. This will increase your awareness of so much that you never thought was possible.
If you would like help on learning how to do astral travel Contact Me and I can help you with this incredible process.
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