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Superior - Inferior - Inner Self
There are two sides to a man, one side is inferior, the other side is far greater and far superior.
The side with which we have physical visual witness is inferior, the inferior side is known as man and superior is known as god. We as mortals are inferior, being exposed to death, disease and negativity.
The superior self is perfect and absolute, the part of you which never dies. It is our best intention to shape our lives in the image of our superior self, when we do so we will have freedom, no pain or suffering.
How do we feel and see the superior self, but are we not it any way, how can we be blind to ourselves?
The only thing which causes are heart to beat in this very moment is the superior self, when our life is shaped in the image of god, we experience love, when it is not, we experience hurt, but that does not mean our superior self is absent. Do you not forget the ability your heart has to beat, you ability to breath..
There is your connection, some people do not understand, that when pain is present, it is a result of unfulfilled action, it is not a result of being, your souls presence. Some people try to eliminate pain through further action but pain and pleasure are both temporary results of action, not being.
Isvara, in Sanskrit is our higher self, or ascended master self and the meaning of OM.
As consciousness comes before everything, it is the wake of our being, by creating simple shifts in our consciousness the outside world can be changed dramatically. By imbuing a thought or simple intention into our chanting of the word OM, the effects are considerably effective. It is true, that communication consists of not what is said but what is meant. The words draw upon a fragment of what is meant.
When there is effective communication between ascended beings, or telepathic communication, it is not like a verbal language but a sharing of knowledge with incredible quickness.
Truthfully you do know exactly who you are, but it is the part of you which is knowledge, The divine inheritance, Which you have forgotten, or not yet received. Do you not have instincts? Your conscience tells you it is wrong to harm others, that is your superior self connecting with you, if you abide within the heart, you will have the secrets of life shared with you. Some may have very powerful experiences with the divine self, who is strikingly familiar to the earth self or inferior self.
The three parts to our being are; the superior and inferior self, and the inner child. As we experience our all the parts in relationship, we recognize ourselves as the sole creator of our individual experience. The superior self in a unique expression of god which is infallible, unaffected by any human experience. The inferior self is a unique expression of god which is fallible with lower understanding and experience. As we experience life from the earth self, or inferior self, it is our duty to channel our divinely inherent qualities and at the same time, protect our inner child, when we experience our inner child’s sufferings we recognize our self as the sole cause, there is no one to blame.
Whenever we experience hatred to all others, it is so there is not developed enough a capacity within to house love for self and ultimately shared onto all others. So developing love within reflects love to all others, as we are a fragmental part of the absolute, all that is intended is that we master our own conscious being.
We are unique expressions of god. We are children of god whose heart is a map of heaven, that beats in the divine love of life’s perfection and life’s beauty.
There are lower animal instincts, which are intended to keep us alive, they are fear, greed, lust, they are imprinted within us all, and as these lower animal instincts belong to the body, we do not. Our higher spiritual instincts are love, intuition, compassion, creativity, truth..
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