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Feeling stress, makes you feel tired. To reduce the feeling of stress and tiredness. Take a step back from the problem or situation, try and view it objectively on one hand, can you reassess the situation? Can you review your feelings about it and change how you feel about it? Can you do one thing right now to make you feel better? Follow every negative thought with a positive one. Think thoughts about it that make you feel better rather than thinking anything that makes you feel worse. Make a plan to sort out the problem, and think of what you will do about any possible difficulties, but don't try and work everything out. You don't need to know how you will do everything, some things may happen easily than you imagine, and you could be thinking of difficulties that may never occur. On the other hand think about how you feel about the situation, is your instinct trying to tell you anything? Is there an inner voice, a quiet voice that is trying to get through to you, below the louder worrying voice? Give yourself space both emotionally and physically in order to be able to think clearly, and to be able to hear your intuition. Talk to people who you trust about any difficulti

es that are causing you stress, talking helps and they may have some advice or help for you.
Long term stress is very bad for your health. Try to reduce the stress in your life, by reducing the causes of it, if that is possible. Do you delegate enough at work? Do you need more help in the home? Do you need to make new friends, or connect with your friends more so that you are able to talk, not message or email, talk more in person or on the phone. Do you need to take time out for yourself more? Do you need a holiday? Even a day trip away from your usual environment can help. A cool shower? A massage? A face masque and relax while it does it's work. Have a Reiki session with a Reiki Master.
A couple of drops of lavender essential oil on a tissue and breathe in the fragrance which is calming and balancing. There are other things you can do to cope better with stressful situations: meditation, going for walks, Reiki, sharing happy times with friends, having/finding someone to support you or help you out, even if it is something like paying a cleaner or a gardener, for once, so that you have less jobs to do yourself at this time. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
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