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Jenny Martin
All spiritual truths are simple, so simple a child could understand, and it’s for that reason that it is simple, so that children, who are so spiritual, can understand. Consciousness, the conscious mind, the spirit, the life force; what is it? To me, it’s that which makes us live, it’s what animates all things. There are different levels of consciousness for humans, for animals, for plants, for the planets but “All life is one life.” There is no new truth, “Truth has always been and always will be.”
One of the first ‘spiritual truths’ I was given was, “Love, give and give again and all will be added onto you.” This truth is all about what I call the boomerang effect. The more you love, the more you will be loved. The more you give, the more will be given unto you, back to you. You get back what you put in, so to speak.
The second spiritual truth I was given was, “The first shall be the last and the last shall be the first.” The rule here is:- In your desire to give and by putting others first, it is you who will end up receiving. It is the law; an ancient version of ‘what goes round comes round.’ In every single thing that lives there is perfect balance. If you harm, you will be harmed. If you give, you will be given unto. It is the Law, and there are laws within laws within laws. Balance reigns supreme in spirit, there is no doubt about that, it’s part of life’s experiences as you go through your life.
We’re being taught all the time. Every single day there are things for you, there are opportunities for you, be open to opportunities, they come for you. So never

A Medium Tale
be afraid of putting someone first or giving to others; you won’t be forgotten. We are told, “No-one is ever forgotten, mistaken or left out.” All things are included, everything is necessary. One thing is just part of the whole.
The one thing that changed me years ago was when I realised that we were all related, that we were all brothers and sisters, that we were all part of one enormous family and that God was our Father.
‘Who are we, why are we here, what happens when we die?’ To me, we all come back to earth to learn as the earth is a training ground. When we live in spirit, we reside within a soul group and that soul group is like our spiritual family. In choosing to come back here we actually agree why we need to come back. We have to do this course on earth because we learn the theory in spirit but then we have to put that theory into practice to really understand it. Here on earth...
I want to explain that when someone has finished their life and it comes to their time, it’s their chosen time and it’s time to go home; it’s not time to die. People weep at funerals and spirit say, “You may weep but we rejoice, a friend is coming Home.” Once you learn that life is infinite, that your life here is just a stage, a part of infinity, you will have a completely different outlook on life and the lives of others.
The third truth which I thought was so profound...
You can learn more about my own spiritual journey in my first book ‘A Medium’s Tale’ and more about Spiritual Truth in my Development Manual ‘So… You Want to Develop Spiritually?’ .
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