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Sometimes traumatic events in our lives or acute or chronic illnesses can make us feel ill at ease within ourselves. It’s almost as if we have lost a part of ourselves. We can view these as times of darkness or 'the dark night of the soul', when we feel without hope and no light appears to be entering our lives. There is a popular idea that these feelings of loss of the self may actually be due to something called 'soul loss' 'soul fragmentation' or 'soul shock'. The path of recovery on a soul level is often called 'soul retrieval'. By developing spiritual insight we acknowledge and accept how we feel. This gradually allows the light of the soul to flood back into our unified whole.
Crystals which are well known for healing qualities can support this process.
6 Clear Quartz crystals
1 Phenacite,natural
1 Rubellite,natural or tumbled
1 Ruby, tumbled
1. Lie down comfortably on the floor
2. Place the Clear Quartz crystals around your body, one just above your head, one beneath your feet and two at each side of your body, at your knees and elbows. As you lie, visualize the crystal energy flowing all around you attracting positive life forces back into your body.
3. Next, place the Phenacite crystal just above your crown, the Rubellite on your heart and the Ruby on your stomach.
4. Close your eyes and spend approximately 5 minutes of deep breathing to draw oxygen into your brain. Then breath more slowly concentrating fully on the movement of your breath. Become aware of the breath entering and leaving your body.
5. Allow 20 minutes for your body to absorb the energies of the crystals. However, if your intuition tells you that you have absorbed enough energy it is perfectly ok to remove the crystals earlier.
This technique can also be used anytime you feel ill at ease with yourself or worried. You will leave the session feeling filled with a renewed passion for life again and also able to stop unwanted outside influences draining your energy.
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