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Joy Wisdom
New Horizons
Dissolve & Resolve Emotions (D.A.R.E) Intuitive Body-Mind Specialist Practitioners programme. Train and receive
Coping and managing is the continual approach to health and psychological disorders. Essentially, we are not doing so well with this approach.
A Professional practitioner in varied therapy techniques I realised we needed more.
To be able to deal with the core issue and PREVENT … Now that is a novel idea!
And I have a multi-faceted programme that will change lives for the better, improve health and wellbeing.
We can prevent dissolve and resolve old ways of living, emotional trauma and psychological issues in a much faster way with NEW radical approaches that work, without medication, a more natural approach that does not include hypnotherapy nor regression. Why continue down the same route when it is a plaster approach instead of using an advanced conscious choice to do things differently a way that works and is effective… a no brainer
We don’t realise inner conversion goes on when we are upset, traumatised, devastated and unhappy. Abuse and neglect causes long term harm, including addiction, pain and emotional suffering mostly lived unaware, not intercepted and/or prevented. Although science has proved with trials what is going on, no one seems to be preventing (other than more meds. Meds have side effects too, as well as converting once again internally). Why are we not intercepting early, to avoid chronic health disorders to come? We live unaware of hidden factors every day and need bigger picture warning and avoidance approaches that will effectively keep us in better health.
I teach both with self-discovery workshops and practical effective ways to help yourself with a D.A.R.E Therapy programme to help others, family members and children. I offer tutoring, guidance and psychic assistance with Intuitive and 6th Sense training. We have an abundance of skills, opportunities and body guidance not tapped into. I teach practitioners, Healers and all sorts of professionals in NEW ways of living and assisting others with exciting pioneering career choices. I also have Allonus LIGHT healing programme, to help keep folk out of the sea saw of emotions, and in body, grounding, healing techniques incorporated to help self and others. Both programmes complement each other, with NEW advanced specialist approaches to help humanity jettison their past and embrace LIFE.
Be Pioneers in outstanding health approaches.
Dissolve and Resolve Emotions is a clinical multifaceted effective therapy that is inspirational, exciting, that includes self-help, tools. Specialist approaches for Pain, Emotional and Psychological issues, Trauma, health disorders. Birth Trauma, women and children’s health issues. <

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A ONE-stop shop for improving, preventing and dealing with core issues.
We live the result of hidden factors.
Foetal origins, womb transference, live via cultural dominance, Inherited Generational Trauma (IGTA). Mirror image inherited emotional and psychological impacts making us more prone to disorders, such as PTS, depression stress, introversion and anxiety.
Neglect and abuse causes stress hormones that go on to produce inflammation and inner conversion for ill health to come. Prevention is the key and D.A.R.E is effective in helping to find and clear out emotional drive.
Hidden factors rule without conscious awareness. In D.A.R.E we look outside the box, at presenting disorders and observe Bigger Picture view, reality and core issues can be very different to disorder label. Helping to STOP cycle and circle of dysfunction and miss-match in life.
Body talk and vision, tapping into a library of information showing specifics. identifying limiters to body and energetics. Learn the outcomes and reality of Quantum field.
Induction programme is open to anyone.
Awakens, increases knowledge and understanding about self/clients. Tapping into dormant areas of abundance and talents, ensures all on the same page for D.A.R.E training.
Training options: 2 x 4 days or 7-day summer intensive.
Induction: 5-days includes home visual/ CD/pre-read pack
Induction/Foundation 1&2 offers 35 new skills. FREE video
Manual, certificate. CPD approved
Block booking discount and spread the cost options
Allonus ZEST of Life programme – Workshops, Specialist Training, Self-discovery and One-to-One tutoring plus more
Joy Wisdom Founder
Awarded Inspirational Woman & Commitment to excellence 2015
Save the date!
Dates: Light Healing programme Leeds 1-2nd July Queens Hotel Leeds City Centre & 29-30th July Isbourne Holistic Centre Cheltenham. Times 10-5pm each day. Bring pillow and blanket for emotional clearings
D.A.R.E Induction and Foundation
D.A.R.E Induction: 22-27th July Cheltenham: 19-13th September Chester:
Leeds 23-27th September: Edinburgh TBC Edinburgh
D.A.R.E Foundation:
19-26th August Chester: 29 Sept -2nd October /3-6th November Cheltenham: 20-23rd September /10-13th November Leeds: TBC January 2018 Edinburgh
[email protected]
Joy Wisdom Founder Awarded Inspirational Woman and Commitment to Excellence 2015
Author, Inspirational speaker Founder of Allonus, D.A.R.E practitioners Therapy, LiGHt Healing programme & O.G.P. Clinical Body Mind practitioner - specialising in psychological issues and Women and Children’s Health
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