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A popular, highly revealing Internet video clip on the resurgence of cold fusion has been removed by CBS just days after it was posted. Evidence of media censorship is quite apparent here. I reported on this cold fusion story on April 21st and embedded the fascinating 12-minute CBS clip in the article. You can read my report at
this link.
Among other things, the engaging clip showed how CBS's 60 Minutes program had recently hired a highly respected scientist who was quite skeptical of cold fusion to witness and try to debunk the successful table-top nuclear fusion experiments conducted by another dedicated scientist.
Rob Duncan is the vice chancellor of research at the University of Missouri and an expert in measuring energy. Not only was Prof. Duncan unable to show any faults in the many experiments conducted by Michael McKubre, he was most surprised to come back a believer in this amazing phenomenon. The implications for the future of our world are astounding!
"He crunched the numbers himself and searched for an explanation other than a nuclear effect. 'I found that the work done was carefully done, and that the excess heat, as I see it now, is quite real,' Duncan said. Asked if was surprised that he'd hear himself saying that, Duncan [responded], 'Very much. I never thought I'd say that."
You can still read the text of the entire clip on the CBS website, including the story of Prof. Duncan's conversion, at this link
this link. I learned of the disappearence of the video clip through an email today from a supporter. When I went back to the
original URL from which I had taken the video, I found that someone at CBS had replaced the 12-minute segment there with a much weaker piece under two minutes. Why? Did someone pressure CBS to take down the much more interesting longer clip?
I then searched the CBS website and found the 12-minute clip listed fourth under their "Most Viewed Videos" section. Yet when I clicked on
the link (note 'mostpop_video' is part of the link), the video no longer functioned. 70 comments were still posted under the video at the time I looked, but the video was dead. Hopefully you can still read the comments there. The short video which replaced the longer one had only one comment. Hmmmm.
Why was the longer clip taken down, even when it was still listed as the fourth most viewed video on their website? We have documented evidence of this kind of suppression going on for decades with new energy inventions. I saw it happen to a personal friend of mine who is a genius inventor, after he came up with a revolutionary new energy device.
Among many other unusual happenings, my friend's home and his $7 million company were ransacked, and a bullet was fired through his window. Despite my friend's best

Censorship can leave
us blind to the
efforts, an insider eventually managed to wrest control of this $7 million company away from this genius inventor who had a number of patents to his name. You can read about more suppression in an
article on another invention on which I reported just two weeks ago. And for excellent, verifiable information about the history and suppression of new energy inventions, see this engaging
two-page essay.
As a replacement for the censored CBS clip, I'm providing below the best documentary on cold fusion yet, called Heavy Watergate. If you want to understand about both how these things are censored and suppressed and the exciting potential for a cleaner, brighter future, this video is well worth watching.
The good news is that with the increasing transparency of the Internet, suppressing these fascinating new discoveries and inventions is becoming ever more difficult. There are dozens of
websites covering these topics to which the mainstream media rarely gives much attention.
We can also take advantage of the power of the Internet to spread the word, so that we can break through this kind of censorship. I especially encourage everyone to send CBS a short message using this link
this link to ask why the amazing 60 Minutes video was removed and tell them that you want it back. And please leave a message below if you are successful or get a decent answer. Together, we can make a difference.
For lots more information and what you can do to help transform our world through these new energy inventions, see the box immediately below. We also invite you to comment below and let us know what you think. Was this a case of Internet and media censorship, or is there some other explanation?
Fred Burks served as personal language interpreter to Clinton, Bush, Cheney, Gore, and other top dignitaries in secret meetings. As part of an international network of researchers and news analysts, Fred obtains and disseminates key, reliable information about powerful, yet little-known forces which shape our world.
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