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The most common way people hear messages from their Angels is through their intuition, their feelings, but in order to receive guidance from the Angels you must first ask for it. Although there are Angels around us all of the time they cannot interfere with our lives unless we consciously ask for their help. This is because they cannot interfere with our free will.
Angels will send messages in many ways, these can be in the form of coincidences. For example if the Angels feel that you could benefit from reading a particular book, that book may fall off a shelf as you walk past it. Or you may just get a feeling that you should take a different route to work & in doing so you bump into someone who can provide help to you in some way. If you ask the Angels for their help it is important to lookout for these coincidences or signs. If you keep hearing or seeing a particular word or phrase, try to think about what it could mean to you. This also goes for your dreams as Angels can use your dreams to give you a messages as well. However the most important thing you must do is listen to your intuition. If you get a feeling about where to go or what to do, try not to think about it too much but instead just go with it, go with your gut feeling. Angels will also leave white feathers in your path. If you have asked for their help & later you see a white feather on the ground, this is a sign that the angels are around and have heard you.
Angels can communicate with us directly, however to receive messages in this way you must be very open & intuitive. Some people are naturally sensitive enough to do this but for most people it takes a lot of psychic & spiritual development work in order to connect directly to the Angels. As you progress on your spiritual path your intuition will grow and you may eventually be able to connect with the Angels directly. The best way to help you develop enough to do this is through meditation. In particular guided meditations where you are first taken into a state of deep relaxation before being guided through a scenario where you can communicate with the Angels, are often the most effective.
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