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Aurora Brierley
Aries ~ Fresh beginnings are on the horizon for you this week with an element of bravery and courage required. As you close the door to this chapter in your life, so opens a new one that is all part of your big life journey. Take note of your past travels and what you’ve achieved and then take a deep breath and a leap forward to your new exciting chapter in your life.
Taurus ~ You may have been feeling a little below par these past few weeks but all that is about to change with the new energy coming in. There is a wave of Faerie Healing energy coming your way to help restore you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Your auric body will soon be shimmering in pure healthy radiance.
Gemini ~ This week you will more than likely have a closer connection with the magickal faerie realms. You could have been feeling confused about what you believe in and what you don’t. Not to worry we all go through this, and this week the guardian of belief from FaerieLand is coming to your aid by helping clear the muddy waters in your heart. This time next week, you’ll be clearer about your path.
Cancer ~ You are being asked to recall that first moment when you realised that you were in love. The tingling, the excitement, the sheer joy. The faeries want you to bottle that feeling and dip into it whenever times get tough. Also really embrace that feeling about life, if you feel like that about your life keep going, if you don’t, then you need to address some issues in your life until you do feel like that.
Leo ~ This week you’ll be having more of those “Oh, no! It’s one of those days” than not. The good news is that its only for this week, and by this time next week things will have moved on. Whatever you do, don’t avoid the day, face it head on, stand tall and be proud! Life will get easier very soon.
Virgo ~ Watch out for the gossips this week. Don’t take everything you hear as the truth, take it with a pinch of salt until you get it clarified. There will also be a case of “Don’t listen to the monkey, listen to the organ-grinder” as the saying goes. Some times some people have nothing better to do!
Libra ~ Lots of enthusiasm and high expectations are on the menu for you right now. There is also a need that you must realise that nothing is from your reach right now. The sky is the limit. It’s a welcome change for you right now and you should aim for Gold while you can.
Scorpio ~ A time for remembering all the good things in life is ripe now. It’s good to spend time reminiscing about the past as long as you don’t dwell on it. You can also use this time to release any past hurts, unforgiveness, and regrets. Simply acknowledge them, and then release them for a lighter, fresher week ahead.
Sagittarius ~ You have been way to serious of late and its high time you lightened up and had a good laugh. Get together with your friends and spend quality time being silly, young and having fun. You know you want to. You’ll feel so much better after doing it.
Capricorn ~ The faerie realm is offering you dear Capricorns a very special gift that you can refuse with offending them. Confused? Let me explain. You have the opportunity to see a situation from a different perspective if you so wish to. However which perspective you will be shown may not be the perspective you’d hoped for. So take it if you so wish, but be warned: You may see something you may just not like one little bit.
"Pisces ~ This week you really need to stop letting people walk all over you. It's high time you learnt to put your foot down and stand your ground. Think of 'Peter Pan's Tinkerbell' when you think about becoming more firm with your actions, thoughts, and decisions. Tap into your Inner Tink and don't take any nonesense from anyone. "
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