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A couple of months ago my Grandson, Georgie who is now aged 17 asked me why he feels so happy when he is playing his guitar. He has only recently acquired it and is enjoying learning to play it. I thought this was an interesting question.
When we are acting from our hearts or doing what makes our heart sing, we activate the creator or creatress within us. It activates out higher self or one could say our inner being. It brings a sense of joy, a sense of stepping into our greater Self. We feel a sense of belonging here and our vibration completely changes; there is a feeling of being ‘at-one-ment’.
To create we need to keep an open heart and mind. It can be soul destroying when someone behaves in a critical way towards us when we are creating. There is a need to encourage creativity on our planet.
Man/woman has a Great Light within that needs to be released for us to evolve. Within each one is a creator/creatress and we need to share this energy with our world family – one world, one family, one love, one heart, one light, one Mother/Father God. ‘Hu’ is a name for God. So ‘Hu-Man’ is God/Man or Goddess/Woman.
As we live and move in this world of law, we quite often break this law of Nature, which causes what is called Karma. Making Karma (cause and effect) generates a series of forces, which disturbs the equilibrium of the universe. There is a great need to restore the balance in the world and in our universe. This balance also needs to be kept within ourselves and our lives.
The Hu-man race brings back this balance mainly by suffering. We have only to look at what is going on in our world to see that this is occurring. There is suffering, heartbreak, cruelty, injustice to women and children, to those in the so-called ‘lower’ strata of society, the working class, the physically and mentally handicapped and those living in poverty. The human race is bound in chains of ignorance and there is a need to release this bondage. Remember the story by Dickens, A Christmas Carol, where the spirit of Jacob Marley appears to Scrooge in the chains he forged in life as a greedy moneylender.
When governments make spending cuts in education, the first thing that goes is the Arts. They do not attach significance to one of the most important aspect of life in our world – the Arts. Being artistic helps human beings to develop by allowing us to become creators.
We see the physical, manifest world as all that there is, the visible universe. But all creation comes from the uncreated, the unmanifested, the void.
One of the most profound things I have learned in this lifetime is that there is a second way of clearing Karma. When one takes up the Arts and begins to create, whether that creativity is singing, dancing, writing, poetry, drawing, painting, music, playing an instrument, creative gardening, needlework, etc., one is clearing Karma. We are not just clearing it from this life but from many lives. And while doing this, one is helping the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe and the cosmic universe to evolve because on the spiritual dimension all things are connected. So I would like to give an awesome thank you to all the creative people out there – keep up the creative work. There is nothing more loving and powerful that one can do and to be.
The mind that is consciousness is a very powerful tool. Your universe recreates itself according to your picture of reality. If your picture is one of a planet that is polluted and being destroyed, then this is what you will get. If your picture is a magnificent, beautiful planet that has the ability to self-cleanse and sustain humanity and all the Kingdoms of the earth in the upmost exquisite way, then that is what you will get.
June Edwards
April 2017
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