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The Circles of Fire.
by karem barratt
on 29 May 2014 at 16:16
Inspired a bit in the Pagan fire festivals of the British Isles, this is a visualisation/ritual aimed at helping to let go of limiting or redundant beliefs, ideas or patterns. I suggest you read it several times, record it before doing it or have someone read it out loud to you.
Write on a white piece of paper a belief, attitude or habit you are ready to give up. On a yellow or orange paper, then write an opposite belief, attitude or habit that would help you to be more genuine, bring you closer to your goals or just make life easier, happier or more meaningful. Get some matches, two foil lined pots with a lids. Have some cinnamon sticks, fresh or dried rosemary and laurel leaves (traditionally associated to purification) in one of the pots. You may also need some heat-proof surface on where to put the pots. Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Sit, preferably on the floor, as comfortably as you can and place the pots and matches in front, where you can easily access them. If you like, light some candles and play some inspiring or relaxing music.
Do a centring a practice (it may be as simple as breathing deeply around nine times). Close your eyes and using the power of your imagination, see yourself in a beautiful meadow, full of wild flowers, and with little isles of trees here and there. The sun is beginning to set and there’s a refreshing, soft breeze caressing the tall grass. In front of you, there is a circle of purple stones, in the middle of which a bonfire burns. A few steps away, there’s another circle, this time of translucent, crystal-like stones, with another bonfire burning in the middle. Step confidently into the first circle. This is a purifying fire, that burns away that which no longer serves you. Feel a rush of energy, coming from deep down the earth, up to your soles and all the way up to the top of your head and bey

ond. Keeping this image on your mind, open your eyes softly, take the paper where you have written what you are ready to let go and say: “I let go of… I am ready to continue without this in my life.” Light a match, burn a corner of the paper and drop it on the empty pot. See it burn, and in your mind, see a black smoke leave, away from you, your home, your town, country, planet. Make sure the whole paper burns and then put the lid on.
Breathe in deeply one more time, close your eyes, and see yourself again in the meadow. Step out the purple circle, stretch your arms out and say a prayer or words of gratitude, as recognition that you are no longer tied to the pattern or belief that was holding you back. Now step into the second circle. This is a fire of inspiration. Feel a rush of energy, from above your head to the sole of your feet. See your body encased in a golden light. Slowly open your eyes and burn the herbs in the second pot. Carefully and gently, waft some of the smoke in front of you (be sensible here, the idea is no to choke yourself) as you do that, imagine what it would be like to act and live with this new habit or belief. Put the lid on. Breathe in deeply and go back to the meadow.
You are now out of the second circle. Evoke the joy, confidence, peace, sense of achievement and any other feeling that you will experience once the new thought/belief or habit has settled into your life. Again, say some words of appreciation for this. Breathe in deeply. Become aware of the floor or cushion under you. Wiggle your fingers. And when you are ready, open your eyes.
Put the orange paper with your new pattern or vision in a visible place, and for the next 21 days look at it and say: "I am thankful that I now think/ believe/ act this way". Take practical steps to start living your new reality. Remember that it's best to do go little by little and incorporate the changes slowly but continuously, than to try to do everything at once.
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