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Joseph Starman--- Reference Arch Angels and Ascended Masters.
I am here again with what can only be described as my thoughts and comments on what I have been reading again on this website these last few days and something inside of me just needs to speak-out.
I read another message from an Arch Angel asking all of us to ask “Him” for help and Protection. To call on “Him” when in a group to ask “For protection” Now in truth:
I have never hear of such a thing in all my life (69 years) that a “Being from another world would come with such a message (And some are saying they like it) it makes me wonder what is really going on at the moment. “He” even says it will help to protect loved ones on the other side (Rubbish) I would suggest to all readers:
That you go on Google and ask the question “Where do Arch Angels come from” I did and found out that “They” came from a “Temple in Egypt”
and were brought back here to England around the turn of the century 1900-1910. Then in the 1930-1940 they really took off with a husband and wife’s team (I cannot remember their names) and have really grown over the last twenty years or so and especially since so many people have been interested in December 2012 and the end of the world.
Also the word “Angel” Google it for it comes from the Rabbi’s of long, long ago. They gave this name to people they could trust to deliver important message to other Rabbi’s. Then the Christian Church took it up and it is now accepted that there are Angels.
I have been writing (Amongst other psychic things) messages from
“High Beings for over seventeen years now and at no time do they mention anything about “ Arch Angels or Angels or Ascended masters” In fact and in all truth “My friends” are saying that:
All this “Religious stuff” needs to stop including what is coming through from the Sublime. I have written here on this website and I have written on my own website and I have talked to “My friends” on these messages coming from the Sublime and they say:
That these “Being or life energies” that are giving these messages to others all over the world “NOW NEED TO TELL THE TRUTH OF THEMSELVES” they need to tell whoever they talk to “Their truth” for they are not what they say they are!!!! THEY ARE REALLY SOME SORT OF ALIEN
I have been told, “Many are trying to help mankind” but what they say and how they say it was okay a while ago, but not now. Where we are now with all the changes going on in the world, we need to move on and cut out all this religious rubbish.
It only holds people back from finding the “Truth of Themselves” for as long as they believe there is “A God and all the other stuff about Angels that come with him” the longer they will be able to blame someone else for their problems
These are my thoughts and I mean none harm. All I hope is that people who read this will open their minds to other possibilities other then putting spiritual things with religion for they do not go together. One is love and openness the other control and I see “Control” in this very message right now on this website from an Arch Angel who “I felt” when I read the message that
“He or whatever he is wishes things to remain just as they are”
Anyway we are supposed to be living in an “Enlightened world” but so many still cling to the old ways, the old rubbish that as helped no one except those that do the controlling.
And I do believe that many of the life energies in the Sublime wish to keep things just as they have always been but to make them look and feel different so people will feel and believe that everything is okay and life is just as it needs to be, but it's not... its rubbish.
My friends have told me in a message that there are some very powerful negative life energies in the Sublime that have “High-jacked the new age movement” over there and on Earth, meaning a great deal of what we have coming from “The sublime” is not right.
I see we need to be very careful what we take as “Gospel” as we seem to do with these so called Arch Angels and Ascended Masters and ask them to tell us who they really are or shut-up and go away.… Love and light to all... (Including them) Joseph
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