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Mayan Art & Sound
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From Debra’s very first phone call 10 years ago - even before I had met her, our friendship was punctuated by synchronicity.
In that first call she told me she had been guided to come to me for a Mayan Soul Reading. I was intrigued.
Guided?… By whom, how, why?…
I chose to suspend my curiosity till later.
Her enthusiasm and Kiwi accent made an impression. As always with new clients, I asked for her date of birth. But unusually, I was prompted from within to look up her sign while she held on, to give her a little taster of the reading to come. I told her she was 6 Mirror; That Mirror is the principle or Law of Reflection, which states that the outer universe reflects the inner; That you can change your outer world by changing your inner, your attitudes and your way of being. But equally, by changing your outer world, for example in the case of Feng Shui, it could dramatically impact on the inner. Her incredulousness was palpable…
I asked her just to hold on while I shared about number 6. I explained that this was about "bringing your life into a balance, an order, a rhythm and a flow". That "when you apply the principle of organic order to shape the principle of reflection, then you stand in your power". At this point she could contain herself no longer:
“You've just described exactly who I am and what I do! That's amazing!”
"What's that?" I said.
"I'm a Feng Shui consultant. I work with Archangel Michael. He speaks through my pen. Through organic, automatic writing.... He guides my Feng Shui advice. By creating an order that’s aligned with the greater flow in your immediate outer world, your home, then it changes your vibration and ultimately your life. Spot on, what you’ve just said. Spot on!”
Neither the notion of Feng Shui, nor of automatic writing, was new to me. Yet this phone call and the energy that came down the phone line, was compelling.
And so a dynamic, and a friendship, was set in motion that has subsequently changed both our lives.
We agreed to do an exchange: She would Feng Shui my home, and I would give her a Mayan Reading. She arrived three days later with Three type-written pages (She said that she would often retype her notes for easy reading). And it was signed off: "Archangel Michael, Angel of the South - the guide for your future path.” These pages described the house, and the lives of myself and my then wife to be, Emma in detail, as though somehow the writer had had an in-depth preview! The channelled information was accurate and poignant. We sat up and took note.
It confirmed that I was very much on track with my chosen life path, and gave very specific instructions about complete re-decoration of the house. The energy in the home shifted completely. When we put it on the market it sold to the first viewer, at the market price we wanted. 2 weeks later the new owners discovered a serious structural problem with the house that none of us had known about, and did not come up in the survey.
We had been guided and blessed.
And the energy in my relationship with Emma shifted profoundly too.
I had just about recovered from the surprise and awe surrounding that first message from Michael. Then messages about my pioneering work with Mayan cosmology started to come thick and fast through Debra. It became clear that I had an important role to play in bringing a new, refreshing interpretation of the Mayan Calendar to the world. I had already felt this, and the new confirmation was inspiring and empowering. Yet I had no idea what form this was going to take

Course leader
Anton Kornblum
Very often the phone would ring and it was Debra. The call often started with the words: "And now to say...", Michael's trademark phrase.
I had been running a workshop called the Mayan Calendar Playshop. It was a fun day where people learned the cosmology in a creative way. Michael told me the workshop had to change. "Why?" - I asked Michael, through Debra - "People love it!"
"Because as much fun as the workshop is, it's about giving information. People sit on information. You need to use this cosmology to run programmes that transform lives."
I was a little bemused having just fine-tuned this fun event. Yet at the same time, I was in a place of sweet surrender, and openness to new possibilities.
Then one day, about 9 years ago, Debra arrived at my home with two and a half typed pages. I asked what this was…
"It's for you!"
Incredulous, I asked again, "what is it Debra?"
"It's a gift for you. From Michael… it's a workshop!”
“A workshop?”
“Yip…” she said, “…word for word, step by step, the whole thing”.
“A workshop for me? - from Archangel Michael!!” I was honoured, humbled and awestruck. As I read it, it became clear that this was effectively an entire manual for a workshop. A programme with no theory, just 13 stages of fully committed, fun, hands-on action!
The workshop, to be known as the ‘Mayan Day of Art and Sound’, was novel and refreshing. What was particularly new to me, was Michael’s assertion that the tones and semi-tones of the musical octave - 'C' of one octave to 'C' to the next, provides 13 steps or phases that mirror the Mayan 13 steps of Creation: The creation of the planet, of life on earth, and of manifestation or goal achievement in your life.
It's all about vibration and frequency. Sound is vibration and frequency, colour is vibration and frequency, and so is ‘Time’, which has nothing to do with the clock: The solstices and equinoxes, seasons, eclipses, gestation, moon cycles, ovulation, night and day, your pulse, and your breath it’s all in our DNA...
And it's all periodicity, which is frequency, and in turn vibration! We are vibrational creatures. This is what the Maya understood about ‘Time’ (and Einstein called the 4th dimension) - it's really about 'timing'. Timing is synchronicity. Timing is vibration. When you dissolve your ego consciousness and raise your vibration, you are 'in sync' and 'in the universal flow. You then become a powerful channel and manifestor: A Co-creator with the ‘Collective Synchronicity’ and Vibration present throughout the Universe!
To effectively apply the Law of Attraction – the teaching of the movie ‘The Secret’, you need to have a strong reference point in your experience. this triggers your repeated ability to align with who you really are – with the vibrational Source of life itself.
This workshop provides you with such reference point.
Michael has given me - and you - if you choose to participate, a true gift! An opportunity to have a magnified experience of the three level approach of Art, Sound and Time. And thus to raising your vibration and becoming a pure channel for bringing creative energy into form. If you wish to experience this profound, fun, possibly life-changing process, you don’t need prior experience in painting or Mayan cosmology. And you paint directly with your hands onto the page. So come and get your hands dirty at the next Mayan Day of Art and Sound near you!
Or take a trip out of town and have fun somewhere new!…
Anton Kornblum
Galactic Prosperity
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